Friday, February 10, 2012

Weeeeheeee I'm back again BLOG!

Whew! I don't know how to start this post but... Yeah. 
***phf what the hell?! was that even an introduction?***

Anyway, as you can see, I am back in blogging again.
Yeah I know.. It's been a long time since my last post. **ahhh let me check**

What?! October 12, 2011 was the date of my latest post. 
So it's about..**hmm let me get into my math**.. almost 4 months since my last post. **quite long**.

I've been busy these past few months. I got a new job **weeee congratulations!** and etc.etc.etc. 
**so that explains why I wasn't able to blog again**

Okay, just let me summarize my past four blog-less months into this one post.

October - Mid November
Same routine as usual. The routine of an unemployed.

November 16, 2011
I was hired as a programmer in one of the major banks in the Philippines.
**Thank goodness I'm out of my routine.**
A little bit of adjustments needed, and everything will flow just as it is.
Now I have to wake-up early to catch-up for my 8:30 am work.
I met new friends, faces and co-leagues.

Oh! Another thing. I did bought a new iPod touch. **My first apple product ever. I am not an Apple fanatic guy.**
I bought it late because my music database is getting bigger and my old Philips music player has only 2GB of memory and obviously cannot handle my 30GB of music,though it still works perfectly smooth.

The holiday season. What else can you expect other than "eat-like-there's-no-tomorrow"
Food here, food there. Parties here, parties everywhere. **actually, I gained 1.5 kilos for this month alone.**

New year. **will that mean new life? hahaha i'll just laugh**
The month of the annual fiesta of the land where I was born (Cebu). SINULOG!
Well, unfortunately, I got tired of the parties, street walks, mardi gras and etc., already from last year's sinulog.
Plus I was saving money this time.
Straight after the fiesta, I flew to Singapore. **will have another post for this**
Stayed in Singapore for 10 days (Jan 21 - Jan 31). **A great country indeed. I'll definitely be back there.**

The love month. **as they say**
Well, in my case, it's gonna be another ordinary month for me.
Work. Work. Work. **I mean, what else will I gonna be busy for?**

So there you have it. My four blog-less months punched into one post.
Until the next post **i hope that I can, ...but I will**
See yah folks!.

Oops! I almost forgot. I got my first maw-hawk hair this January!
Picture below taken inside Cebu's Mactan International Airport, my departure to Singapore.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!
    Welcome back dwarf!
    Wa gyud ka nanabi sa imong SG2x hap!
